Kotlin Extensions for Context, Float, Integer, and Log

Malwinder Singh
4 min readJul 19, 2019


Hello friends 😊

In this post, I shall share you some of the useful Kotlin extensions on topics of:

Context, Float, Integer and Log

Please make sure you know about Kotlin’s default parameters in function before reading this article.

Context extensions

Display a toast

fun Context.toast(message: CharSequence, isLengthLong: Boolean = true) =
this, message, if (isLengthLong) {
} else {

To use this, simply call:


In the above example, response is the response you received from API call and message is a String parameter in it.

You can also use String resource instead of a CharSequence , like this:

fun Context.toast(@StringRes message: Int, isLengthLong: Boolean) {
toast(getString(message), isLengthLong)

To use this, simply call:

toast(R.string.message_success, false)

Show an Alert Dialog

To use this extension, please add this dependency to your Android project:

implementation 'com.afollestad.material-dialogs:core:3.1.0' //Replace 3.1.0 with latest version found here

And also don’t forget to add this String resource value:

<string name="ok">OK</string>


fun Context.simpleAlert(@StringRes message: Int) {
MaterialDialog(this).show {
message(res = message)
message(res = message)

To use this, you can simply call:



Simple Alert :)

Another one, but this time with lots of customization like You can add title, message, positive and negative button texts, and event callback for the positive button click.

fun Context.alert(
@StringRes titleRes: Int? = null, @StringRes message: Int, @StringRes positiveBtn: Int, @StringRes negativeBtn: Int,
action: () -> Unit
) {
MaterialDialog(this).show {
titleRes?.let { title(it) }
message(res = message)
positiveButton(positiveBtn, click = object : DialogCallback {
override fun invoke(p1: MaterialDialog) {

You can simply use it like:

alert(R.string.are_you_sure, R.string.lose_access_question, R.string.yes, R.string.no) {
//TODO: Handle YES button press



Customized Alert dialog :)

Find the Activity

You can use this extension function to find an activity in which a fragment or view is present:

tailrec fun Context.activity(): Activity? = when {
this is Activity -> this
else -> (this as? ContextWrapper)?.baseContext?.activity()

Here’s how you can use it:

textview.context.activity() , dashboardFragment.requireContext().activity()

In the above example, textView is a TextView and dashboardFragmentis a Fragment .

Float extensions

Round off to 2 decimal places

Following extension rounds off float value to two decimal places and returns String.

fun Float.roundOff(): String {
val df = DecimalFormat("##.##")
return df.format(this)

For example:

33.36631f.roundOff() //Returns 33.37

41f.roundOff() //Returns 41.00

93.3211f.roundOff() //Returns 93.32

and so on...

Integer extensions

Appending Ordinal

This extension appends ordinal to an integer.

fun Int.appendOrdinal(): String {
return ordinalOf(this)

private fun ordinalOf(i: Int) = "$i" + if (i % 100 in 11..13) "th" else when (i % 10) {
1 -> "st"
2 -> "nd"
3 -> "rd"
else -> "th"

For example:

1.appendOrdinal() //Returns 1st
22.appendOrdinal() //Returns 22nd

Pixel to DP and DP to Pixel

This extension is very useful. It converts Pixel to DP values and vice versa

val Int.pxTodp: Int
get() = (this / Resources.getSystem().displayMetrics.density).toInt()
val Int.dpTopx: Int
get() = (this * Resources.getSystem().displayMetrics.density).toInt()

For example:


Log extensions

Simplify Logs

Debug and Error Log:

fun Any.logd(message: String?) {
Log.d(this::class.java.simpleName, "" + message)

fun Any.loge(message: String?) {
Log.e(this::class.java.toString(), "" + message)

You can use them simply like:

loge("404 Not Found")
loge() or logd() //These will also show in your Logcat.

Update: Following is not a Kotlin extension but very useful. Simple try-catch handler:

//Returns true if no exception was caught. Otherwise, it logs the exception and returns false
fun tryCatch(body: () -> Unit): Boolean {
return try {
} catch (e: Throwable) {

You can use them like:

val isValid = tryCatch { 
val na = 1/0

In the above example, the exception is logged and the value of isValid becomes false.

Hope you liked this article!

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Peace! 🙂



Malwinder Singh
Malwinder Singh

Written by Malwinder Singh

Flutter, Kotlin & Android. Worked on projects of Emerson and Omron, 50k+ views on this blog, 7k+ repo on StackOverflow, Drone startup linkedin.com/in/malwinder

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